Friday, April 22, 2011

Malform, Update

This is the my 2nd revision; I'll probably flush out a few more details and the recreate/fix it in Illustrator:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Malform Album Art, Conceptual

My friend Gary is releasing a new album in a week and I'm finalizing the artwork. The title is 'Malform', consisting of 9 songs; the first 8 all different themes, the 9th bringing the themes together into a symphony--and cacophony-- of motifs. I was going for a 'Beast of the Abyss' illustration, highly inspired by a fellow, Hydro74. Here's what I have so far:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Illustration Updates

I've progressed some more on my 'Jolly Green Giantess' and 'Kimi Yuki' illustrations, and have also been working on one of my friend Leeana. Here's what I have:

1. Jolly Green Giantess:

2. Spritely Peachy:

3. Kimi Yuki

4. Jessica's Sketch:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sketch for Kimi

I've started drawing more pictures of friends of mine and this latest is of my girlfriend's sister, Kimi. Also, this particular illustration is a little more Anime-influenced than anything I've drawn thus far--but I kinda like it. Anyway, here's my progress:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Sketches - Works in Progress

As I've been sketching more--sketching for sketching's sake-- I realize the majority of my sketches go unfinished and undisplayed. I've always been hesitant to show works in progress but from now on I'm going to make a conscious effort to display all of my sketches.

Here are a few that I'm working, two of which will most likely become finished pieces:

1a. Jolly Green Giant(ess), Sketch - Because who wants a giant green dude roaming around, eh?

1b. Jolly Green Giant(ess) - Painted

2. Tribute to Pete Postlethwaite - This guy was a really forceful and underrated actor who died recently. He is, however, excellent caricature material, no matter how much I respect him.

3. The Little Mermaid, caught - A truly little mermaid gets caught by a dame out to fish. The bikini gal's pose still seems a little stiff, but I may go for a more exaggerated pin-up pose as well as a simple, tropical beach background.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

ZoneCast, Phase 2, pt. 2

These are the rest of the designs of Phase 2 (6b was picked):

ZoneCast, Phase 2

So the project finally has a name, but it doesn't have finalized components yet. For the final design, I'm waiting on the PCB and the addition of a capacitative touchscreen instead of buttons. Design 6b will be the drawing to be expanded upon: