Thursday, January 21, 2010

Captain Peacock Illustration

I'm about half-way finished with this sketch of Captain Peacock; I say half-way because I haven't even started on his suit--though his face is nearly completed. Anyway, this is what I have so far:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wizened Dwarf Smoking

Ah, finally another illustration... this one I had a bit of fun sketching and thought 'Hey, why not add some color?' So here ya go:

The glaring eye was based upon my own eye so that's why it looks creepy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finally, a post...

First of all, I know my updates have been spotty at best and I do hope to change that as I have plenty of images to upload; I'm just a perfectionist and don't like to show off unfinished products.

Anyway, lately I've been practicing shooting with a 400mm lens at the Zoo and Wild Animal Park and have fallen in love. I've come to realize that what I really love to photograph are geologic formations and birds. Below are two of my, thus far, favorite images that I've taken--partly because of the image itself and partly because of the effort it took to capture these.