Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Sketches - Works in Progress

As I've been sketching more--sketching for sketching's sake-- I realize the majority of my sketches go unfinished and undisplayed. I've always been hesitant to show works in progress but from now on I'm going to make a conscious effort to display all of my sketches.

Here are a few that I'm working, two of which will most likely become finished pieces:

1a. Jolly Green Giant(ess), Sketch - Because who wants a giant green dude roaming around, eh?

1b. Jolly Green Giant(ess) - Painted

2. Tribute to Pete Postlethwaite - This guy was a really forceful and underrated actor who died recently. He is, however, excellent caricature material, no matter how much I respect him.

3. The Little Mermaid, caught - A truly little mermaid gets caught by a dame out to fish. The bikini gal's pose still seems a little stiff, but I may go for a more exaggerated pin-up pose as well as a simple, tropical beach background.